Obamacare, or PPACA, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, mainly applies to those under 65. Medicare is a separate government health program. Obamacare rules apply mostly to individual and group health insurance policies for Americans under 65 and who are not yet eligible for Medicare. Medicare premiums are also not related to Obamacare. There has been […]
H.R. 5, Malpractice Liability Bill Passes The House
H.R. 5 is a piece of federal medical malpractice tort reform sponsored by Georgia’s Republican leader, John Gringrey. This bill just passed the House, and is scheduled to go before Congress. If Congress passes the bill, it will go before President Obama. H.R. 5 is a bill that caps the medical malpractice settlement amount the […]
Alternative to the Individual Mandate in Obamacare
Congress is looking into whether a tax credit for those that participate in Obamacare will be more effective than a penalty for those that do not participate. Congress is also looking at whether a higher penalty will force more people into participating in the plan, since the plan heavily relies on participation. If Congress decides […]
Medicare An Important Issue In the Upcoming Election
For most citizens, jobs and the economy are the most serious issues facing our nation today but for seniors, it is health care and Medicare. Presidential contenders are portraying themselves as protectors of Medicare for seniors, with each of them casting a different approach to it’s survival. President Obama has spent the last two years […]
Obamacare and Seniors
There is a lot of political hype in the media right now that has a lot of seniors listening carefully to the Obamacare facts. As the health care debate moves forward, many seniors are worried that their benefits will be cut in order to pay for the changes. However, seniors need not worry. The cuts […]
ObamaCare Reforms Health Care
On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Senate worked in cooperation with President Obama with a vote of 60-39. All Democrats and 2 Independents voted in favor of the new act, and all Republicans voted against it. The vote passed 219-212. The PPACA reform law requires all […]