Protect Your Hard Earned Money 
Our Vacation Travel Insurance is designed to provide essential coverage for trip cancellation, travel and baggage delays as well as emergency medical treatment.
Vacation travel insurance is perfect for U.S. residents taking international or domestic vacations.
Even the best laid plans have to be changed sometimes due to circumstances beyond our control. Vacation Travel insurance helps protect against those unforeseen circumstances that may force the cancellation of your travel plans or interrupt your covered trip.
With our Vacation Travel Insurance, you may recover non-refundable, unused payments and deposits when a trip is cancelled or interrupted for a variety of reasons. Benefits are also provided for travel delays, baggage delays, and emergency medical treatment while you’re away from home.
Just a few of the benefits include helping you replace lost travel documents or lost prescriptions, emergency cash transfers and legal and medical referrals when necessary. All of these services are designed to make your trip as stress-free as possible.
Buy Your Vacation Travel Policy Below
Vacation Travel Insurance Highlights
- $20,000 coverage for trip cancellation/interruption
- $10,000 coverage for emergency medical/dental expenses
- $500 coverage for travel delay
- $1,000 coverage for baggage/personal possessions
Purchase Your Vacation Travel Policy Online Now
Policies can be up to 31 days long and premiums are based off your total vacation expense. It’s nice to know you have someone on your side when an unforeseen event occurs causing you to cancel your travel plans.
Become a Member of the National Small Business Travel & Health Association
When you purchase our Vacation Travel insurance, you automatically become a member of the National Small Business Travel & Health Association (NSBTHA). Through this association, members can access travel insurance, emergency travel assistance services, and information about events, legislation, and other matters that affect travel. Information about NSBTHA is available at